Monday, November 30, 2009

Why Does My Cat Bite Soft Blankets

Linux - Linux gdmap


Main Interface

gdmap or Graphical Disk Map, is a small app to visualize disk space and especially how it is used. Thus it allows to quickly see which files and / or the larger directory using rectangle larger or smaller: depending on the size they occupy on the score.


must go official site, download page. Or click here ;-) . From this page you can see the OS software to the standard POSIX (GNU / Linux, BSD and UNIX-like).
So you should download the OS in question. Here I will explain the installation for Fedora, as I turn over.
Nothing more simple: open yumex
Once installed, it is available in the menu -> System Tools -> Graphical representation of the disk.


From the command line to do as root: # gdmap "

or use classic. Quite simply open the app. Then click "Open Folder" icon just below "File"
Opening a directory

scan done then, that ... :
scan performed

You can change the colors:
Changing the legend

It is also possible to modify:
  • The display type
  • parameters cushions
  • The depth of the display
  • As the scanning options
settings window


6 applications to monitor and analyze the use of your partitions on
Graphical Disk Map - Mining Software graphical disk on

scanning ;-) Good

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mellacare Fairness Cream

- Xournal


Main Interface

Xournal is a software for taking notes on PDFs. We can highlight, underline or frame a passage, add annotations, and even draw.
Nothing could be simpler. Simply load the PDF document to annotate and save it in PDF.


must go official site, download page. Or click here ;-) . From this page you can see an interoperable software (Multi OS) for Debian, Fedora, Mandriva, Unbuntu, Windows and openSUSE.
So you should download the OS in question. Here I will explain the installation Fedora, as I turn over. Nothing could be simpler: open yumex
Once installed, it is available in the menu -> Accessories -> Xournal.


Xournal can:
  • To write (writing on lineage, and inserting the text box)
  • draw (square and circle, shape correction, and draw lines )
  • Selection Tools and travel
  • Changing the page view
  • Moving in the document
  • Cancellation
  • And of course the backup
  • ...


official website
Manual in Englsih
On Wikipedia
The list of software for Gnome
No. 56 of GNU Linux Pratique

Good annotation; -)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

How To Shrink 100% Cotton Cardigan

Passions Manon

Passions de Manon is a delicatessen of 1660, Cascades St-Hyacinthe, which serves everything from olive oil, balsamic vinegar, pasta, preserves, soap, tea , sweets and so on.
The tasting bar allows you to taste all the products and even on Saturdays, to enjoy products that are more special, what's new! The radius of the oils, there's something for everyone: the pronounced, the sweet, the flavored-seed grapes (perfect for cooking), oil nuts, from Spain, Italy, France, Morocco, Portugal, Australia and many others.
There are also plenty of spices: there is the collection of Philip Vienna of course, but also spice completely innovative concept: the exact quantities needed to make recipes like beef curry masala (recipes included ...) .
For confectionery ... anything goes: marzipan sticks, pull the old, chocolates at will ....
All for you to drool .... As soon as one walks through the doors, the cricket sings. One feels transported to another country because of French decorations and products imported from around the world.
When staff speaks, one feels he knows whereof he speaks and he thinks, he is able to give us the full product description. If you want to find imported products of better quality, go to Passions Manon! If you are looking for a gourmet gift for others or simply for pleasure, Manon will be happy to advise you according to your taste or that of others.

For more information go to:

Monday, November 9, 2009

How To Install Shree Lipi Fonts For Windows

Pancakes & Gourmet

This restaurant has the ambience Breton is giving his full attention on pancakes ... Brittany. Several choices are offered pancakes: pancakes breakfast pancake supper, bananas, chicken ... The dough may also differ, some have a pancake dough flavored with lemon pesto other ...
You can also call your pancake, all the ingredients into two pages (one for lunch and one for desserts), this choice is very interesting for those with thin menu does not fit.
The service is not very rosy but still very nice. The funniest is definitely the choice of BD ... Asterix, available for viewing by customers. In short I recommend this restaurant if you have a certain taste for sweet or savory crepes. Close to the star of the East and perfect for those who go to see a show at the arts center nearby.

Bon appetite!