Thursday, December 31, 2009

How To Treat Brazilian Wax

Linux - Logiciles to archive, compress, encrypt ...


To begin, make a clear distinction between archive, compress and encrypt.

Archive: Action place files in an archive.

Archive: computer file containing another group of files, to facilitate handling. An archive is often compressed to save space and transmission time. Compression formats are the most common zip and rar.

Compress: Designates that reducing the size of a set, by eliminating duplication.

Encrypt: Designates Making an incomprehensible message and modified in an orderly manner with a key. The message is protected. It was as synonymous encrypt, encode "and" encrypt.

Encrypt: The term "encrypt" does not exist in French. This comes from the word encryption, but "encrypt", it's Franglais. The term used is "encrypt".

There are several ways to perform different actions: from the command line and GUI. The following software using graphical interfaces.


Compression can be made by the software 7-Zip. It is a soft data compression and archiving files running under Windows and GNU / Linux. It supports, among other archive formats 7z, bz2, gz, quad-pack, pea, tar, zip in reading and writing, and formats ace, arj, cab, deb, iso, lha, rar, rpm in read-only.
To install 7-Zip, it will go through yumex (p7zip p7zip-plugins and).

Installing software compression 7-Zip on GNU / Linux: p7zip

can also observe the soft Q7Z. It is a GUI for p7zip. The second interface is PeaZip.
must download on the official website or directly here:
Once downloaded, there is more to perform the following operation (as root "su - "and admin password):" rpm-ivh / full_path / Nom_application.rpm "
rpm: Red Hat Package Manager
-i to install
-v: display verbose information
-h: displays 50 marks hash when the package archive is unpacked.

It is quite possible that there are libraries to install. Very simple: "yum-y install nom_librairie" to complete installation of the libraries.

Both software can be installed under Windows. PeaZip may seem more difficult to install because it must go through the command line. But it's not more complicated. And I find PeaZip performance.

For data encryption, there's the software kgpg ( KDE Utilities ). It is part of the following kdeutils ( ark, kcalc , kgpg , superkaramba , ....). And for the installation, we depends Yumex.

Installing kdeutils following


For launches:
  • Q7Z: Applications => Accessories
Main Window Q7Z
  • PeaZip: Applications => System Tools
Main Window PeaZip
  • KGpg: Applications => Accessories
Main Window KGpg

KGpg Once reduced, it puts itself in the taskbar.

icon in the taskbar KGpg

Regarding use strictly speaking, the sites provided links are fully described. It is possible to create executable file, cut the archives, encrypt them, ....

Good compression and good encryption ;-)



The computer dictionary

Archive and compress:

On Forum fedora-fr Archiving electronic
Archive on Linux fedora-fr
Archiving and compression file on ubuntu-
software data compression on Wikipedia


Introduction to cryptography and using GnuPG SupInfo, Laboratoire Linux

The softs

links on the page, and already ;-): 7-Zip
Wikipedia on Ubuntu-fr and his official website
PeaZip on Wikipedia on ubuntu- and his official website
The official website of Q7Z
GnuPG Signature and encryption fedora-fr


Beyond Linux From Scratch Version 5.1
LFS : book detailing all the steps needed to create its own Linux system ... This is the translation site for French Linux From Scratch


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